Remember Those Letters?

With modern technology, sitting down and writing a letter to someone has become almost obsolete. After all it’s much easier to send a 140 character message that lights up someone’s screen moments after you send it. And, why send a letter when you can send an email at almost no hassle?

But remember how it felt to get that tangible communication? In school it was always thrilling for someone to pass you a note, to come home and find that your pen pal finally responded, or a loved one sent you a card. These messages lit up our lives.

Perhaps this is so because we knew for a few moments the person writing was thinking solely of us, their reader. We weren’t just an afterthought of their busy day or something to get done; we were someone they took time to sit and write. That concept is why writing a note is still such a thoughtful idea today.

Taking the time to send someone a tangible message lets them know that they are someone worth your time and you cherish in a way that picking a prearranged bouquet of flowers online or sending an electronic message never could. It’s something that won’t pass into oblivion once their inbox is full.

As time goes by, and the paper begins to show its age the note only increases in its value. We’ve all heard the stories of WWII veterans writing letters and saving them. Today those letters are more romantic than they were then because they represent memories and tangible proof someone was loved.

At, KindNotes.Com we’re especially passionate about making sure sending a letter and notes doesn’t become obsolete. We hope you feel the same way and encourage you to contact us if we can help light up someone instead of their screen.

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